- packages
- adduser, Extensive changes in adduser for bookworm
- akonadi-backend-mysql, Known severe bugs
- apt, Contribuirea cu rapoarte de instalare, Adăugarea de surse APT pentru un sit-oglindă local
- apt-listchanges, Actualizare de sistem minimală
- aptitude, Prepare the package database, Verificați dacă aveți suficient spațiu pentru actualizare
- astap, News from Debian Astro Blend
- chrony, Changes to packages that set the system clock
- cups, rsyslog creates fewer log files
- dblatex, Sursele acestui document
- debian-goodies, Verificați dacă aveți suficient spațiu pentru actualizare
- debian-kernel-handbook, Instalarea meta-pachetului de nucleu
- debian-security-support, Limitări în suportul de securitate
- dmraid, Componente depășite din bookworm
- doc-debian, Raportarea problemelor
- docbook-xsl, Sursele acestui document
- dpkg, Contribuirea cu rapoarte de instalare
- elpa-markdown-toc, Known severe bugs
- faketime, Known severe bugs
- fcitx, Fcitx versions no longer co-installable
- fcitx5, Fcitx versions no longer co-installable
- fdflush, Pachete notabile învechite
- g++-12, Known severe bugs
- ganeti, Known severe bugs
- git-daemon-run, Known severe bugs
- gpgv1, Check gpgv is installed
- groonga-bin, Known severe bugs
- grub, GRUB no longer runs os-prober by default
- grub-efi-amd64, Known severe bugs
- grub-emu, Known severe bugs
- grub-pc, Known severe bugs
- grub2-common, Known severe bugs
- how-can-i-help, Contribuirea la Debian
- ifupdown, Componente depășite din bookworm
- initramfs-tools, Consolă de depanare în timpul inițializării folosind initrd, Actualizarea nucleului și a pachetelor conexe
- iptables, Known severe bugs
- isc-dhcp, Componente depășite din bookworm
- isc-dhcp-client, Componente depășite din bookworm
- itstool, Known severe bugs
- Kea, Componente depășite din bookworm
- kexec-tools, Known severe bugs
- libcrypt1, Unsupported upgrades from buster fail on libcrypt1
- libgdal-perl, Pachete notabile învechite
- libnss-gw-name, Componente depășite din bookworm
- libnss-ldap, Pachete notabile învechite
- libnss-ldapd, Pachete notabile învechite
- libnss-myhostname, Componente depășite din bookworm
- libnss-sss, Pachete notabile învechite
- libpam-ldap, Pachete notabile învechite
- libpam-ldapd, Pachete notabile învechite
- libphp8.2-embed, Known severe bugs
- libreoffice-core, Known severe bugs
- libunwind8, Known severe bugs
- linux-image-*, Actualizarea nucleului și a pachetelor conexe
- linux-image-amd64, Instalarea meta-pachetului de nucleu
- linux-source, Instalarea meta-pachetului de nucleu
- localepurge, Verificați dacă aveți suficient spațiu pentru actualizare
- logcheck, rsyslog changes affecting log analyzers such as logcheck
- logcheck-database, rsyslog changes affecting log analyzers such as logcheck
- manpages-lang, More translated man pages
- mariadb-client, MariaDB package names no longer include version numbers
- mariadb-client-10.5, MariaDB package names no longer include version numbers
- mariadb-server, MariaDB package names no longer include version numbers
- mariadb-server-10.5, MariaDB package names no longer include version numbers
- mate-desktop-environment,
GNOME has reduced accessibility support for screen readers
- monit, Stop monitoring systems
- netcat-openbsd, netcat-openbsd supports abstract sockets
- netcat-traditional, netcat-openbsd supports abstract sockets
- NetworkManager, Componente depășite din bookworm
- ntp, Changes to packages that set the system clock
- ntpsec, Changes to packages that set the system clock
- nvidia-driver, Known severe bugs
- openjdk-17-jre-headless, Known severe bugs
- openntpd, Changes to packages that set the system clock
- openvlbi, News from Debian Astro Blend
- orca,
GNOME has reduced accessibility support for screen readers
- pipx, Python Interpreters marked externally-managed
- planetary-system-stacker, News from Debian Astro Blend
- polkitd-pkla, Changes to polkit configuration
- popularity-contest, Verificați dacă aveți suficient spațiu pentru actualizare
- puppet, Puppet configuration management system upgraded to 7
- puppet-agent, Puppet configuration management system upgraded to 7
- puppet-master, Puppet configuration management system upgraded to 7
- puppetdb, Puppet configuration management system upgraded to 7
- puppetserver, Puppet configuration management system upgraded to 7
- pypy3, Python Interpreters marked externally-managed
- python-is-python3, Known severe bugs
- python3-extinction, News from Debian Astro Blend
- python3-pip, Python Interpreters marked externally-managed
- python3-sncosmo, News from Debian Astro Blend
- python3-specreduce, News from Debian Astro Blend
- python3-sunpy, News from Debian Astro Blend
- python3-synphot, News from Debian Astro Blend
- python3-venv, Python Interpreters marked externally-managed
- python3-yade, Known severe bugs
- python3-yt, News from Debian Astro Blend
- python3.11, Python Interpreters marked externally-managed
- release-notes, Raportarea problemelor din acest document
- request-tracker4, Componente depășite din bookworm
- request-tracker5, Componente depășite din bookworm
- rsyslog, Changes to system logging, rsyslog changes affecting log analyzers such as logcheck, rsyslog creates fewer log files
- shiny-server, Noutăți de la Blend-ul Debian Med
- software-properties-qt, Known severe bugs
- src:fuse3, Known severe bugs
- src:gluegen2, Known severe bugs
- src:golang-github-pin-tftp, Known severe bugs
- src:grub2, Known severe bugs
- src:guestfs-tools, Known severe bugs
- src:linux, Known severe bugs
- src:llvm-defaults, Known severe bugs
- src:syslinux, Known severe bugs
- sylpheed, Known severe bugs
- synaptic, Prepare the package database
- system-config-printer, Known severe bugs
- systemd, More translated man pages, Predictable naming for Xen network interfaces
- systemd-boot, systemd-boot has been split into a separate package
- systemd-networkd, Componente depășite din bookworm
- systemd-resolved, systemd-resolved has been split into a separate package
- systemd-timesyncd, Changes to packages that set the system clock
- tinc, Pregătiți un mediu sigur pentru actualizare
- topcat, News from Debian Astro Blend
- u-boot-sunxi, Known severe bugs
- udev, Actualizarea nucleului și a pachetelor conexe
- udhcpc, Componente depășite din bookworm
- upgrade-reports, Contribuirea cu rapoarte de instalare
- util-linux, Pachete notabile învechite
- virtualenv, Python Interpreters marked externally-managed
- whitedune, Known severe bugs
- xenstore-utils, Known severe bugs
- xmlroff, Sursele acestui document
- xsltproc, Sursele acestui document
- youtube-dl, youtube-dl replaced with yt-dlp
- yt-dlp, youtube-dl replaced with yt-dlp
- Perl, Desktops and well known packages
- PHP, Desktops and well known packages
- Postfix, Desktops and well known packages
- PostgreSQL, Desktops and well known packages